
現時点で、特にお勧めする宿泊ホテルはありませんが、もし何かお困りのことがありましたら、以下に示しますJTB GMTデスクにご相談ください。

For guests from oversea:

Tokyo boasts a variety of accommodations from Ryoakans to full-service hotels and luxury inns. Rooms may go fast on the conference days, so book early for best availability! The conference venue, Solar City Conference Center, is located in Tokyo Central Region, Kanda/Akihabara/Ochanomizu area. The closest train station is Ochanomizu Station.

For Hotel Reservation in Tokyo:Japanican[English]
around Ochanomizu(venue): Japanican[English]

JTB Global Marketing and Travel is working hard on providing AppSec APAC 2014 attendees an unforgettable travel experience in Japan. Please feel free to book your hotel room on special page for AppSec Apac in Tokyo using JTB services.

もし、より多くの日数を宿泊したい方や、前日からの宿泊の対応が必要な場合などは、遠慮なくJTB GMTデスクにご相談ください。
If you are planning longer stay, or you need some advice:
Feel free to ask JTB GMT (Global Marketing & Travel Inc.)
[email protected]
Tel: 03-5796-5445 (平日 10:00-17:30)


カンファレンス・セッション詳細を掲載しています。 Sched.org for AppSec Apac 2014